Stand Alone/Series Title: The Break Up Psychic (Dangerously Dimpled #1)
Author: Emily Hemmer
Welcome back to Glass Paper Ink’s PERFECT MATCH, we know we’re usually matching couples up here at GPI but we’ve decided to do things a little differently for Valentine’s Day, one of our lucky finalists will walk away with a grand prize of a ROMANTIC GETAWAY TO A DESTINATION OF THEIR CHOOSING TO THE VALUE OF $50,000.
Please welcome our next guests... Amber
Amber is a secondary character in both The Break-Up Psychic and Plus None. She’s a wannabe witch and possible evil mastermind. Her boyfriend, Noel, has been described as heroin-chic. His likeness was painstakingly recreated for a voodoo doll after Amber discovered he’d cheated on her in The Break-Up Psychic. Needless to say, he never did it again. They live a quiet life in Harlow County, Texas where Amber spends her days as a sales assistant in a bath shop and Noel works as a part-time dental hygienist.
Kristine: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Amber: No. But I do believe in love at first bite. I have a pretty serious vampire fetish.
Kristine: How do you know that Noel was "the one"?
Amber: He helped me move a dead body.
Kristine: *laughs* You're're not smiling...Ummm... tell me about your first Valentines Day together?
Amber: We spent the night in an abandoned mental hospital. It was incredibly romantic.
Kristine: *eyes wide* Sureeeeee.... So what are your plans for this Valentines Day?? Come on you can tell me, I'll keep it a secret
Amber: I would, but then I’d have to kill you.
Kristine: ahhhhhh.....what would be the ultimate Valentines Day present Noel could give to you?
Amber: A vile of his blood. I ran out.
Kristine: *looks at production assistant with wide eyes* What would you rather, a big flashy gift with a night out on the town or a quiet night at home with Noel?
Amber: A night at home, in our sex dungeon.
Kristine: *smiles* Oh that sounds lovely, so tell me what's the most romantic thing you've ever done for Noel?
Amber: He cheated on me once. I let him live.
Kristine: Well that was certainly nice of you...*gulps* lets play a game, how well do you know your partner time, GPI's Fast Five:
Top or Bottom? Neither. Tied up and bent over.
Sexiest feature on Noel? His lazy eye.
Biggest turn off that Noel does? He doesn’t cry loud enough when I whip him.
Three words to describe Noel? Cold, pale, and demented.
First thing you thought when you saw Noel for the first time? That guy looks like a fresh corpse.
Kristine: Well Amber, thanks for coming in and playing *gulps* one last question, if you were to win GPI's Perfect Match, what destination would you pick for your holiday?
Some place tropical. Like the Bermuda Triangle.
Emily Hemmer was raised in the Chicago suburbs before settling in Kansas City in 1996. She was raised in a house full of wom...en which gave birth to her many loud OPINIONS about men, women, and the roles they play in la romance. A huge fan of romantic comedies, Emily was overjoyed to realize her college roommate could recite every word of the movie 'Clueless,' until she realized that was the only VHS tape her roommate owned. Emily dropped out of college and to this day, blames the listless years of her twenties on the words, "As if!" She completed her degree after an extended eleven-year semester break during which time she got married, had kids, and became a published author. Her greatest accomplishment to date is holding the high score in Ms. PacMan at the Pizza Hut in Schaumburg, Il.
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